Reel Them in With These 5 Cinematic Promo Products

  • Mar 16, 2024

Box office hits took a backseat this year as more people browsed through Netflix’s new releases instead of venturing out to movie theaters.

However, as many movie theaters reopen to the public, health and safety have become the top priorities, and rightfully so! But, during such a somber year, it’s also important for patrons to escape reality and enjoy 2 hours of pure entertainment at their favorite picture palace.

Here are 5 of our favorite promo products that movie-goers and film fanatics will love to take home with them after the film credits roll.


Individual Popcorn Bags

Watching a movie without popcorn is like Halloween with no candy – it just doesn’t work! Fortunately, these individual popcorn bags can add a pop to your marketing strategy. Place your logo on the front of the bag and pass the buttery snack out at the ticket booth.  


Lightweight Folding Chairs

Drive-in theaters have made a comeback this year! With more and more pop up outdoor theaters springing up across cities, spectators are in charge of bringing comfy seats, blankets, and coolers. Take (lights, camera…) action and give away these lightweight folding chairs as part of a family-fun competition!


Movie Reel Stress Reliever

Make them an offer they can’t refuse with these one-of-a-kind movie reel stress relievers! We can all agree this year has been extremely stressful, but you can send movie-goers home with a sense of relief... and boost your brand loyalty!


Comfy Picnic Blanket

Portable picnic blankets are the way to go when bringing the family to a drive-in movie. Pass these branded blankets out to the first 50 film attendees and become the start of the evening!


Candy-Filled Movie Reel Tin

Go ahead, make their day with a sweet treat! Filled with colorful gummies, you can fulfill a sweet tooth lover’s dream and hand these tins out on opening night.  

Interested in other award-winning promo products for movie theaters? Reach out today and learn more! *The end!*

  • Category: Promotional Product Ideas
  • Tags: Promotional Product Ideas, Branding, Marketing, Promotional Branding, Marketing Ideas, Promotional Products, Movie Promo Products, Movie Theater Products